Monday, August 31, 2009


For those of you who know Ely and Rosa, you understand when I say, to know them is to love them. I have never met a kinder, more gentler spirit than Ely. He has taught me much in the few years we have worked together.
I have had privilege to serve along side of Ely since 2004. We have become closer than brothers for there is a kinship that only our Lord can place in the hearts of man. Together we have seen God do great and mighty things and we give Him all glory, honor and praise.
Ely, a man with limited education, has taught me more than any other human who has walked the face of this earth. He is clothed in humility, and has tremendous faith in our Lord. He has exhibited patience, love, long suffering and grace over and over, again and again, even when others are in the wrong.
Today, I simply ask you to pray for Ely, Rosa and their family. He has been diagnosed with lung cancer and needs our prayers. Thank you for your faithfulness and friendship.

To our Lord's glory,
