Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chicken Buses and a dense fog called "The Cold"

Multi colored, tricked out, old school busses, with beefy springs and powerful diesel engines rule the roads in much of Guatemala. We call them "Chicken Buses and they are transportation for people in the rural areas. On the roads that they can travel, they tend to make life miserable for smaller vehicles.

Leaving Choanla a dense fog set in. I had heard Ely speak of it many times before but never had we seen it this bad. With low visibility the mountain roads become even more treacherous - We called - you prayed - God answered. The fog cleared as we continued our journey.

High up in the mountains of Guatemala lies the village of Choanla. Their lives have been touched by the generosity of a small group of believers from Spring Hill, TN and their church family - The Bridge.
Our experience at Choanla will be one not soon forgotten. Children, who had never seen Americans, a bit apprehensive at first soon warmed our hearts with their smiles and humble appreciation. I pray that this story in some way has touched your life. We are a blessed people called to go and share the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. To Him be all glory!

Thanks for being! Your prayers and support are being used for the on going of His Kingdom.

Lewis and Donna Thomas

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