Ten months ago, while attending the annual pastors conference at Piedra Partida, Daniel Brackin, Jay H. and myself had stopped in for some grub at our favorite Mexican Taco stand in Malacatan. We were approached by a young boy who shines shoes for a living. Wearing Flip Flops we passed on the shinne but invited this young lad to eat with us. His name was David.
After a few tacos and limited conversation we tried sharing Christ with David but he didn't seem to understand. A little shy perhaps or maybe he was unsure of our kindness. He seemed to be intimidated so we left well enough alone. We invited him back the next night, same time same place. Thanking us, he gathered his small wooden shoe shine box and walked away. Unfortunately, were unable to return the next night as we had promised.
Ever since that night, when I travel through Malacatan, I look for David but I never saw him again.......that is until last week. As we were having dinner at the taco stand, Roderick Carrasco, The Bridge team member, was talking with a little Guatemalan boy. It was David! We invited him in to eat with us and Roderick, fluent in spanish, who has a tender, gentle voice, was able to get David to open up.
We found that David lived with and worked for his grandmother. Each day, from eight in the morning until eight at night, David walked the streets, shining shoes, earning around 25Q or $3.00 daily for his labors. He was a little upset because some older boys had robbed him earlier in the day. I found later that this is a way of life for children who work on the streets.
The Lord provided the opportunity to share Christ once again that night, and this time, with tears in his eyes, David bowed his head and prayed to receive Christ into his life. We sat and talked with him a bit more and blessed him with a few dollars. With a slight grin he thanked as we said our good byes.
We watched him cross the busy street, with his little shoe shine box straped over his shoulder. His hand squeezed tightly the pocket he had placed the money that we gave him, and just as quickly as he had appeared he vanished into the crowded streets.
Later that night I began praying for David, asking God to keep him safe and perhaps allow us to see him again. Hoping we might learn more about him, get to meet his grandmother, perhaps help him go to school. I began to think about just how insignificant a little boy, who shined shoes for a living, was to those he came in contact with each day. After all, he is only a 12 yr old boy.
As I prayed that night the Lord spoke to my heart saying “Lewis, David may be an insignificant little shoe shine boy to many, but let Me remind you of another little boy who lived a long time ago. He too was named David, and there were many who looked at him as only a lowly shepherd boy, but I knew better! ”
"Thank you Lord, for the blessing of meeting a little shoe shine boy named David."
If there's not a "little David" in your life, perhaps there should be. "Through Your Eyes oh Lord, may we each see."
Thanks for listening. Lord bless you and keep you. It's a great day to seek the Lord!
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