Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4,2010 Greetings From Guatemala

A mission team from The Bridge, Spring Hill,Tn, of 7 is here this week, plus myself, a camera crew, Hannah and Leslie-Resounding Productions, Nashville, TN, and Marresa, and Eduardo.

At 930p we are finally settling down for the night at the dorms on the coast at Piedra Partida. The weather at the coast is as usual -hot and humid.
This trip began Friday evening as we traveled to Atlanta to be ready to fly out early Saturday morning for Guatemala City. We arrived, around noon at Ely and Rosa's home.They are still in the states for Ely's treatments. The team spent the day preparing their VBS materials and shopping for needed items (aside from the delicious lime fritos, Buenos Bars, coffee, and hot sauce) at Hiper Paiz, the Guatemalan version of Walmart, and Office Depot.
The night air was filled with, you guessed it, a rooster crowing, and firecrackers! As Holy Week comes to an end one might say it does so with a big bang, boom, bam, bing and Cock-a-doodle dooooooo! Who needs to sleep anyway.

Back up a Day. - Resurrection Morning:
We had a very powerful sweet worship time, together as a team, before worshiping with Ely's church.

Two team members did some tag team preaching in worship - John Howard preaching and Roderrick Carrasco interpreting.

Worship is a wonderful thing. There are no language barriers where God's Spirit is present. We praised our risen Savior with our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Guatemala.

We left for the coast after the service and traveled 6 hours to the dorms stopping for fresh roadside coconut, pina and Pollo Campero. After unpacking our luggage we promptly began loading up all the food supplies The Bridge purchased for over 10 pastors - more than 1 ton of food (rice,beans,coffee, oil, noodles,salt,sugar,and eggs) -enough to feed their families for 3 months so they can focus on ministering to their people.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


1 comment:

Billy Redd said...

It was never the governments place to feed the poor, it was the responsiblity of the Church!! Thanks for setting the example that all Christians should follow. Glory be to God our Father!!