Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010-Day One at 10,000 Ft

The truck and trailer were loaded down with more than one ton of food for the three churches we would visit, gringo luggage and supplies and of course, Eduardo, Marissa and a few gringos. The 8000 feet ascension was almost more that our mighty four cylinder could pull. We drove much of the way in first gear only.

Arriving at Ojo de Aqua, we unloaded everything and reloaded the Bible school supplies needed for today along with our lunch.
The two hour journey to Armenia tested our vehicles once again. Much of the road was very steep with extremely sharp curves. Rough and rutted roads didn't help make things any easier but with the prayers of the Saints, my lucky rabbit's foot and a faith to move mountains, we prevailed. Thank you Lord!
The country side is beautiful at 10,000 ft and the weather was pleasant today. This head cold that I am fighting along with the thin air is making me dizzy and weak. I'm glad our labors are not too physical this week.
The team did a wonderful job with the 60 children and 30 adults who attended the Bible School. Eduardo lead the children in songs, Roderick did the Bible story and the others kept the children entertained with crafts and games. We enjoyed the time and after many hugs it was time to leave.
A dense fog sets in each day and the mountain roads become more dangerous. We wanted to be off the rough roads before dark.
The 2 hour journey back to Ojo de Aqua went well, with day one being behind us the team prepared for the next day.
Maressa had stayed at Ojo de Aqua to prepare dinner for the team. She also had most of the food ready that the team would give out tomorrow.

Water Shortage!
As we returned we were informed of the extreme water shortage and showering would not be possible. The gracious team of missionaries took it in stride. Such is life on the mission field, greasy hair and all.

Thanks again for your prayers. Please don't stop!

God bless you all,


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